3-5 February 2016, Trieste. 2nd PICQUE training school in science communication

Organized by the PICQUE Associated partner Sissa, International School for Advanced Studies, Trieste, Italy20160205_131055

Wednesday 3 February
9:00 – 9:15 Welcome
9.15-18.30 Social media for scientists
Benefits that can stem from online science conversations
How scientists efficiently may use online resources
Overview of popular social media
Public science on the web
Activity 1: Writing science posts for Facebook and Twitter
Activity 2: Writing a science blogpost

Thursday 4 February
9.30-13.30 How to organise a public event
Different formats of public science events
Many reasons to get involved
From planning to evaluation
Activity 1: Know your opportunities
Activity 2: Plan your science event

14.30-18.30 Public speaking
Designing science presentations for a lay audience
Speech organization: some advice
Tips to keep in mind
Activity: 5 minutes presentation

Friday 5 February
9.30-13.30 Preparing for Academic Interviews
Preparation for Academic Interview
Academic Interview: Typical questions and answers
General interview Guidelines
Activity: To practice different parts of Academic Interviews

14.30-18.30 Discussion game
Story and philosophy
Informal learning
Discussion game structure and themes
Activity: From theory to practice: let’s play Discussion continuum game

Link to slide presentations (restricted to participants)
Main Learning outcomes
-to develop a communication strategy for incorporating social media into existing communication activities;
-to identify various forms of science blogging;
-to create engaging science blogposts;
-to write posts for Facebook to present your research;
-to write posts for Twitter to present your research;
-to structure and prepare an effective presentation
-to frame your message;
-to meet the needs of your audience;
-to find out the challenges and opportunities of public science events;
-to acquire some skills in event management;
-to sell yourself in a job interview.

Meeting Venue
Sissa, International School for Advanced Studiesvia Bonomea, 265 – 34136 Trieste ITALY