
Best Talk and Poster Awards

Best Talk Award
Manuel Gessner (QSTAR, INO & LENS, Florence, Italy)
“Entanglement detection for discrete, continuous and hybrid variables”

Second Prize ex aequo
Marco Bentivegna (University of Rome La Sapienza, Italy)
“Generalized suppression laws for validation of Boson sampling experiments”
Thomas Bromley (University of Nottingham, UK)
“Robustness of asymmetry and coherence of quantum states”

Best Poster Award
Stefano Paesani (University of Bristol, UK)
“Experimental implementation of Bayesian phase estimation algorithms on a silicon quantum photonic chip”

Second Prize ex aequo
Andrea Crespi (Politecnico di Milano, Italy)
“Observing Multi-Photon Interference and Suppression Laws in 3D Photonic Chips”
Francesco Pepe (Centro Fermi and INFN Sezione di Bari, Italy)
“Correlation Plenoptic Imaging”

Awards are funded by IDQuantiqueIDQ-logo-nobaseline-500