
How to register

1) Complete the registration form2) Pay the registration fee

Registration fees_new

The registration includes: attendance to scientific sessions, congress kit, lunches, coffee breaks, social dinner and VAT. The accommodation is not included in the registration fee.
The attendance to the Young IQIS2016 on 19 September is free, but restricted to PhD, Master students and junior post-doc registered to the IQIS2016 Conference. Please specify in the registration form if you wish to attend it.

Cancellation policy
Cancellations must be notified in writing to Scientific Communication srl. Cancellations notified up to 15 August 2016 will be entitled to a refund of the total amount paid less Euro 50 for cancellation fee. We regret that refunds cannot be made for cancellations notified after 15 August 2016.

Organising Secretariat
Scientific Communication srl
Immagine1info@jeangilder.it – Fax 39 081 0072045
Tel +39 081 2296460 or +39 081 2296037
Company VAT registration number: IT06006161217